Apps for Autism
Apple Apps for Autism

AAC Apps (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)

1)My First AAC :
This is a good basic AAC app. It is very easy to use and perfect for beginners. There is no sentence building. Just touch the button and it repeats the entire sentence with out the individual having to build the sentence his or herself.

2)Tap to talk:
Free version and a full paid version. Paid version is $99.95 a year or $179.95 for lifetime.
The free version of this app will work fine for someone who can adapt to the set up. If you get the paid version you can customize the app and make it more usable for more rigid thinkers.  
The very nice thing about this App is that you can get it for almost any device. Its available for Android, Nooks, Nabi tablet, PCs, Macs, Smart boards, Kindle Fire, Nintendo (DSi,DsiXL, 3Ds) and Black berry playbooks.

3) Proloquo2Go
This app is the app that most people use. It is very customizable and well known.



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